News🎉 COVID-19: Buddyhelp & Betterhelp pledge to give away $2 million of professional counseling
You Deserve to Feel Your Best

Connect with trained volunteer listeners for free emotional support, or get access to licensed Counselors.
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Free emotional support for those moments when you just need somebody to talk to.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had moments where we didn’t feel our best. Sometimes what we really need in these situations, is just somebody to talk to, - somebody who cares, somebody who won’t judge, and will listen without bias. This is not always possible to find in our own circles of family and friends. BuddyHelp will connect you to trained active listeners - compassionate, caring volunteers who will listen, support, and be there for you. Our methods are peer-reviewed and evidence-backed.
  • 91% of users
    feel meaningfully better after talking to a listener.
  • 79% of people
    believe listeners are able to help people with mental health struggles
  • 80% of users
    indicated that they would happily recommend it to others.

3 Simple Steps

The most straight-forward and intuitive experience you can imagine.

You don’t want yet-another platform to sign up to, let alone yet-another-app to install. All you need to do is press chat - that’s it! We work with the tools you already have. And our active listeners receive your message anonymously on their messenger of choice - Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Telegram. We built this to be completely frictionless, and allow for rapid scaling - in order to support as many people as possible, and be there when the world needs us the most.

  • Step illustration
    1. Start a chat
  • Step illustration
    2. Get matched with a listener
  • Step illustration
    3. Talk to your listener

For When You Need More

Professional, licensed and vetted counselors that you can trust. The same ongoing professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office counselor. While BuddyHelp is dedicated to offering free volunteer-led support, our friends over at BetterHelp are focused on professional online therapy. They have already helped over 4 million people to talk to a therapist online.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are here for you, whenever you need someone to talk to

BuddyHelp has already helped thousands of people just like you
"As the concept of Talk Therapy, for free, it provides a good safety net. Especially for those, like myself, who A) Can’t afford therapy in real life B) Have at times not been able to leave my flat to get help C) Have needed support right now, at a moments notice and D) Have been too nervous to get support over the phone or face-to-face, online is comfortable. Don’t expect it to provide you with solutions, but if you need someone to talk to, even just to clarify your own solution, or if you're isolated and just want to connect with someone likeminded, it can help tremendously"
Jeff Alen, California
"I started using Buddyhelp to help me with all of my problems that I kept to myself for too long. The people on here are kind and very understanding. They don’t rush you to say anything and I feel comfortable talking to people about my problems more than I ever did. And one of the listeners was going through the same thing as me so it is nice to know that you're not the only person going through things. I recently became a listener and I love helping people with their problems. It makes me feel happy and it also helps in my own wellbeing as it helps me reflect on my own personal problems."
Julia Morison, England

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Read our latest blog posts and gain valuable insights

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Is It Real Love? How to Tell If Your Relationship Is Toxic11 min read

What are the red flags you keep ignoring while being in a relationship?

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7 Types of Abuse and How to Recognize Them8 min guide

Learn to distinguish the different forms of abuse and their characteristics

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Understanding Trauma and Ways to Approach Someone with PTSD14 min read

What is trauma? How does it affect you? How to help people cope with it?

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Anxiety disorders: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment7 min read

We all feel a little anxious sometimes. For many people, though, that ...

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What is Bipolar Disorder And 5 Myths About it10 min read

Getting to know what Bipolar Disorder is: what are the types and criteria for diagnosis?

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An Introduction to Personality Disorders; Fighting Stigma8 min read

An overview of Personality Disorders according to DSM-5 and an ...

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Emergency: If you or any other person are feeling suicidal or are in immediate crisis - don't use this site. These resources can provide you with immediate help worldwide.