How to Activate Your BetterHelp Gift Card

If you're seeing this webpage, it's because somebody who cares about you has gifted you a BetterHelp Gift Card. Congrats! Click below to redeem it now, or read the instructions further down.

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Redeem your Gift Card in 3 Simple Steps

  • 1


    Click “Redeem Now” and make sure you see the note that says “2 weeks free”. If you don’t see it, try opening in incognito, or otherwise reach out for support: [email protected]

    Betterhelp redeem coupon step 1
  • 2

    Get Matched

    Answer a few short questions to help Betterhelp match you with the best psychologist for you. Betterhelp has over 14.000 of the world’s best board-certified licensed psychologists

    Betterhelp redeem coupon step 3
  • 3

    Get Counseling

    Enjoy access to unlimited counseling sessions (via text, voice, or video call - whichever you’re most comfortable with) for the following 2 weeks! Because you deserve to feel your best.

    Betterhelp redeem coupon step 2

Ready to redeem your Gift Card?

We have partnered with the world’s leading online counseling provider BetterHelp, to fulfil our professional counselling offering. If you purchase services through the above link, we will receive compensation from BetterHelp. This helps us fund our mission.