We are humbled to be recognized as a valued partner and contributor to the global mental health crisis.
It is an honor to have received the following letter of gratitude from the President of the World Federation for Mental Health, Dr. Ingrid Daniels.

The text of Dr. Ingrid Daniel's letter, president of WFMH is copied below in full:
To BuddyHelp
We wish to express our deepest thanks and appreciation to you for the collaboration, partnership, and your significant contribution to the success of one of the largest and most successful World Mental Health Day campaigns. The success was made possible through our unified activation, advocacy, and campaigning to ensure that mental health becomes a reality for all global citizens.
Thank you for the months of planning, communication, launch, and mass-scale activation. We are hopeful that our call for action has opened doors for further dialogue and mass scale investment in mental health particularly during these COVID-19 times. Our work has just begun – together we strengthen the call for real change and transformation in the mental health investment appeal.
We look forward to future collaboration and partnership – our success and impact lies in our ability to change the mental health landscape together.
Wishing you great success as you continue your work and ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to mental health.
Kind regards
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Ingrid Daniels President: World Federation for Mental Health
This recognition from WFMH reinforces our commitment to ensuring that 'everyone, everywhere has access to mental health' support. As part of this mission, we believe in connecting people with valuable mental health resources. From comprehensive guides about mental health conditions and disorders to direct emotional support through our platform, we're dedicated to making mental health information and assistance accessible to all.
If you would like to get involved in this initiative and be a part of history in the making, feel free to shoot us an email at contact@buddyhelp.org, or browse our website to discover all of the many ways you can join our BuddyHelp family and make a difference in the world.